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Hi there,

I'm Utsav

a student &
an aspiring programmer

My resume

About Me


I'm a student at Presidency University, currently pursuing my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I love to read about latest and greatest technology. I also love to learn new things on my own. My main areas of interests are web development and mobile app development.

When I'm not studying or learning to code, you'll find me either bingeing a T.V show or reading about new tech.

- Bengaluru, India

- Student @ Presidency University


HTML CSS JavaScript git SQL mongo node


Here, are some of my personal projects that I have worked on.

Drum Kit

A simple drum kit project where I used vanilla JavaScript and HTML and CSS to create this project.

See Live GitHub
Simple Calculator

A basic calculator made using HTML, CSS, and the main logic was done using JavaScript

See live GitHub
Link Mark

A simple bookmark page for links so that it is easy to categorize them and easy to keep track.

See live GitHub
Covid-19 Tracker

A covid-19 tracker made with react and an API to fetch data.

See live GitHub

A web app made using Spotify Web API to fetch data and get user's top tracks and more.

See live GitHub
BMI Calculator

A simple BMI Calculator made using React.

See live GitHub

Contact Me

Here's a few ways to get in touch with me.

- +91 88678 34645

- [email protected]

Mail Me